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Characteristics of the exportable supply

Characteristics of the exportable supply

Agribusiness 2003-2013 US$ Millions FOB

According to DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics), in 2013 exports were reported of US$ 4.7 billion, up US$ 34.7 million over 2012.

Colombia offers a wide range of products regarded by their high quality and innovation, leading to increased consolidation of its exports in traditional markets and reaching a significant number of new markets.

Colombian entrepreneurs have made efforts to adapt their products to consumption trends and requirements worldwide. To this end, there is an increasing number of products with fair trade certifications, and organic and ecological production.

Manufactured Goods 2003-2013 US$ Millions FOB

According to DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics), in 2013 exports were reported of US$ 8.4 billion, up US$ 427,6 million over 2012.

The Colombian manufacturing sector is recognized worldwide for its quality and constant commitment to innovation. World-class sectors such as the automotive and cosmetics industries are at the forefront, where government projections position the Colombian industry as one of the strategic players on an international level. Moreover, the container and packaging sector is recognized for its production and printing quality with high value added incorporating products with state of the art designs. In addition, Colombia is widely recognized and has a significant portfolio of products and supplies in the construction materials sector. Innovation, quality and service are the country’s hallmark.

Apparel 2003-2013 US$ Millions FOB


According to DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics), in 2013 exports were reported of US$ 1.3 billion.

The apparel sector has a tradition of more than 100 years and a consolidated production chain, accounting for more than 13% of the industrial GDP and close to 1.6% of the national value added. The sector's exports account for around 5% of total exports and around 100,000 direct jobs, which represent 20% of the industrial sector's workforce. High industrial property standards offer industrial property protection in line with international standards, providing a first-class service to buyers.

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The service sector in Colombia has enormous growth potential; hence, it has become one of the country's best commercial bets. The sector has accounted for a significant share of the GDP in recent years, including the construction sector, with a contribution towards the GDP in 2010 of 68.5% and a contribution in jobs of 66.9% in the same year.

According to the IMD (2011), Colombia has the highest rate of availability of qualified labour in Latin America and more than 85,000 graduates in technical and professional careers related to administrative and engineering fields, transforming the country into a potential service exporter, offering quality, competitiveness and availability to meet the international demand.